Unparalleled body art behind-the-scenes - body art shooting behind-the-scenes

Human body Art is the human body The crystallization of beauty. Human beings have been depicting their own bodies since the primitive civilization period. From the Dunhuang murals, we can see numerous naked flying figures in the Wei, Jin and Tang dynasties to the Greek "Venus of Milo" to Michelangelo's "La Grande". "Guardian" and Rodin's "Eternal Idol", countless artists have used the human body as an artistic language to praise and celebrate life. Today, due to the special aesthetic value of human body beauty, in addition to sculpture and painting, people have used various languages ​​​​to express, create, and praise in films, photography, ballet and gymnastics, swimming, skating, and other arts and sports. Human body beauty. It not only brings people the enjoyment of artistic beauty, but also cultivates people's aesthetic sentiment and artistic taste. As long as art expresses beauty, body art will surely radiate brilliant brilliance!
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